Hiking is probably the best activity to get acquainted with nature, and the easiest as well: you just need a pair of legs to start off! Actually that’s how we, at Yepalo, got addicted to getting out of the city, looking for green areas. And that is, literally: we’d be looking for the green spots on the map of Catalunya on Google Maps, put our boots on and go for an improvised getaway in nature!
We find that hiking has great advantages: there are so many different levels and so many options for beginners, it doesn’t require too much equipment and most of all, it allows you enjoy nature at a slow, natural human pace. It gives you time to think and contemplate on your own, to chat, exchange and get to know new people if you are hiking in company of others. Your own legs and breath set the pace, far from our usual frenetic daily routine. It is all about surrendering to the pace, power and beauty of Mother Nature. And it feels just great!

Hiking with Yepalo
What we do and where we usually go
We intend to offer a wide range of excursions, for all (or almost) levels and tastes. It goes from a short and easy 2-hour hike in the Collserola park of Barcelona to a one-day steep ascent of the Montserrat mountain or a 3-to-4-day trip in the pre-Pyrenees. We mostly radiate around Barcelona, Catalonia and surroundings, and try, whenever possible to get to the starting point by public transportation.
That said, we are happy to receive any suggestion or requirement from the community (that would be YOU ;)) and partners that lead us to further destinations such as the Alps, Morocco, and even Kyrgyzstan… So don’t hesitate to send us your suggestions or wish list!
Equipment and required experience
In each trip description, we clearly indicate the difficulty level (and if we forgot to, let us know!): we recommend you take it into consideration when signing up to an activity with us. Should you have any doubt, contact us and we’ll assess you the best we can.
All our hikes are overseen by a professional guide, trained in (and equipped with) first aid assistance and supplies. However, it is your responsibility to bring adequate equipment, such as good hiking boots and protection against the elements: the cold, the heat, the rain, the sun, the wind and so on. Bringing enough water is crucial. Walking sticks are usually optional and can be of great help, especially for descents as they relieve weight on your knees.
We know this all sounds very serious but keeping this in mind is the way to ensure we all enjoy a pleasurable experience!
Good to know
Difficulty levels
From short and easy to long and steep (indicated in each hike description).
Minimum age
16 years-old (except for kids-friendly hikes).
You will be accompanied by a professional Mountain guide. Please follow his instructions.